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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dayan "I can hit more home runs than you!" Viciedo

Dayan Viciedo. Yeah that guy is pretty good. came into tonight's game against Seattle and got a base hit and hit a home run DEAD CENTER!! This guy has major potential and his bat is electric. He just needs to work on his fielding but once he masters that then he will be one of the most dangerous players in baseball. He destroyed the minors with a batting average well over .300 and over 10 home runs. His speed is average. not the fastest but is still solid. He's not Paul Konerko slow (even though Paulie doesn't need speed since his bat is so electrifying). But he's not Juan Pierre fast. Not even Alexei Ramirez fast. But he can get around the bases. One of the things that's so incredible about him is that he can hit for average and hit for power. You see, some players hit for just power and some hit for just average. Example. Jose Bautista would be considered just a power hitter and not a player that hits for average. On  the other side a guy like Starlin Castro is a guy that hits mostly for average. Than you guys like Viciedo that hits for both power and average.. There are only a few guys that I know of that are good both ways. Carl Crawford, Hunter Pence, Carlos Gonzalez, Joey Votto, Paul Konerko, Brandon Phillips, and Hanley Ramirez and Jose Reyes (Jose reyes has some power. he will hit at least 10 homers a year). So you can definently throw Viciedo in the mix. This guy is strong and he will crush it out of the park. He hit a line drive home run to center field! At Safeco Field!! That ballpark isn't a launching pad you know. This guy ain't going nowhere esspecially after Ozzie (Guillen) saw the way he played. Can Dayan keep it up though? This was just one game. But it was pretty impressive though. To kid a base hit and a home run and I believe he got a walk too. That's impressive esspecially since he hasn't played in the big leagues since last year. So what holds in the in the future for young Dayan Viciedo? Only time will tell. Well we'll see what happens tomorrow anyway. He's in the lineup again and ready to BEAT UP SOME TWINKIES (MinnisotaTwins)!! HIS NAME IS DAYAN VICIEDO AND HE BEATS TWINKIES FOR A LIVING (watch out little kids who like twinkies!!)!! So this guy is going to be good in this league. White Sox fans should be very excited right now for this dude even if the Sox are almost out of the playoff race. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT MY FRIENDS!! THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT!! My next blog is going to be kind of a dedication. It's a secret right now so I will post it soon so you guys can find out what I will write about. TILL NEXT TIME YA'LL, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!! (Both Pictures are of Dayan Viciedo obviously)

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