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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fantasy football is in the place to beeee!!!

I finally signed up for fantasy football after a 6 year layoff! I have been playing more fantasy golf (which I still play and love) and I havent played that in at least a year! So Im back in the fantasy game and looking to tear it up!....Unless the big boys squash me like a little bug! The last time I played fantasy football was back in 2005 when my beloved Chicago White Sox won the world series against a tough Houston Astros team that got swept in the series with my boy Jeraine Dye winning the world series MVP. I'm a huge video gamer so the fantasy football league I was with in 05 was the EA Sports fantasy league. Back then you just play online like any other league but now you draft your squad and actually play with them in the Madden NFL video games! Amazing! The league I joined this time around and I'm very excited about is the Yahoo! fantasy football league. My team has the sweetest, most ballin, most awsome name EVVERR!! *drum roll*........DA ROYAL PANDAZ!!!! That's my team name! Pretty boss right? Yeah that's what I thought!! Since I use my internet mostly on my awsome Virgin Mobile LG Optimus V smartphone, I can't get Adobe Flash Player which MEANSSS I can't do the online draft so I decided to just do an automated draft for my squad. Hopefully my super awsome team name will get me some sweet players! Well no I take that back, FOOTBALL PLAYERS AREN'T SWEET! THERE TOUGH! BIG! AND ANGRYYYY!! RAHHH!!! Phew! Anyways, I'm sure the draft starts soon so hopefully I can get a good running back or quarterback because those are my keys to points! One QB i would looove to have on my team and from what I hear, he's the most popular pick in fantasy football is Michael Vick. The guy is one of the NFL's rushing leaders from last year and he's got an incredible arm! What more ca you ask for? I've been a big fan of him ever since i was about 6 years old so that was 11 years ago. 11 years of Mike Vick fandom baby! Woohoo!! yeah! Although a Bears fan I still loved watching Mike. He's just so athletic and his arm is amazing! The only player that might have a arm as strong as Michael is former Bear Rex Grossman. I've seen Rex throw. He had a heck of an arm that's for sure. So Mike Vick is my QB pick. My backup would be Jay Cutler (and no it's not just because I'm a bears fan) because he feels great and he has a nice new target to throw to in the acrobatic brilliance of Roy Williams, not to mention the offensive line looks better than ever esspecially since they drafted a great college lineman in Gabe Carimi and the acquisition of Chris Spencer and the return of Reberto Garza so I think Jay will have a great year and so... he's my backup QB pick. On to the rrrrunning backs! My hopeful pick for RB is Stephen Jackson. Now I know some people say he's underated but c'mon man he's been oe of the top 3 backs for the last 3 to 4 years!! The guy is strong, he can knock you down, he's very fast. He's simply a beast and he's my fantasy football RB pick. As for my backup, Now I was about to make him my top RB but I decided to choose him as a backup. My dawg, Chi Town native, Michael Turner of the Atlanta Falcons. He's a big RB back there and is one of the best "truckers" in the NFL. That's a thing that makes him a very dangerous back. Wide recievers. I'll just throw the names out there with no scouting reports. Andre Johnson, Dwayne Bowe, Roy Williams, Roddy White. Those are my fantasy football picks! WOO!! I'll also be doig my fantasy golf picks soon for the PGA Championship. That should be fun. I'm also with yahoo! sports for fantasy golf. So I'll let ya'll know my fantasy golf picks for the last Major of the year soon! Till next time ya'll..PEACE!!!! (Michael Vick left top, Roy Williams left middle, Michael Vick left botttom)

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