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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chris Conte looks good

Chicago Bears rookie free saftey Chris Conte looks real good. During a practice, Conte made two interceptions. Now I know it was just practice but one practice is all it takes for me to feel convinced. This kid has great potential esspecially coming from a great football program over at the University of CAL. Conte is one of the top defensive rookie hopefuls. Dude has speed, strength & great hands for interceptions. Will he be the starter at free saftey for Chicago? He's a excellet open field tackler which makes him dangerous but he was good at picking off in college as he only had a total of 3 interceptions in his college career. But he's definently showing hope that he will become a football "theif" just after one good practice. Maybe I'm overreacting. But I don't give a crap. I bet all ya'll that this guy will be a great free saftey in the NFL. Adding him to an already very dangerous Bears defense which includes Brian Urlacher, Lance Briggs, Julius Peppers and the dangerous Anthony Adams and not to mention one the NFL's best special teams will make this team a major contender once again. Conte hopes to be a top rookie this year in a rookie class that has the amazing Cam Newton. So let's see how mr.Conte handles the NFL shall we? Rememeber...THIS IS NOT COLLEGE! YOU'RE NOT IN KANSAS NO MORE CHRIS! THIS..IS..SPARTAA!! Never even seen that movie (300) but just felt like saying that. Anyway let's talk some baseball in my next post shall we? Untill next time ya'll, PEACE! 

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