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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A dedictation to all of the great sports broadcasters & sports writers.

"GOOOAAALLL!!" "Touchdown!!" That ball is....GOONNEE!!!" "It's in the hole!!!". These are just some of the great things a sports broadcaster can say. We all love the broadcasters as much as the players themselves. Because if you think about it, what would sports be like without the brodcaster??? Let me be the first to answer that question for you...*Crickets* *crickets* *More crickets*. EXACTLY! So this is why we love and need these guys. They are inspiring to sports fans and even the athletes themselves. The things they say during a broadcast reels you in to tune in to a sport on TV or on the radio. Legendary broadcasters like Harry Carey, David Feherty, Peter Allis, Darrin Jackson, Vin Scully, Chuck Swirsky, Al Michaels, Randy Moller, etc make sports the way they are. They get you pumped for every 70 yard TD run or Game ending home run. It's also a great thing to do in college because there are alot of great schools out there that have sports broadcatsing. And not just the play by play guys but I got to show some love to the color commentary guys also. They do a solid job of commenting on each play and giving good analyst that make sense (Well, sometimes). But what would the sports we love and watch be without the broadcasters? They get us talking, they get us thinking, and they give us a more reason to love sports. They may say things we disagree with (well if you're a color commentator) which gets the conversation started which is beautiful. Ahhh yes, sportswriters. My creme of the crop. A pen and a pad or a keyboard. The most beautiful sounds for someone like me. As some of you obviously already know I love to write. esspecially if it's sports related in anyway. If i didn't love writing then i probably wouldn't be writing this blog right? right. So it's time for me to show some major love to all of the great sportswriters out there. Dan Jenkins, Sean Jensen, Jamie Diaz just to name a few. But sportswriting is another thing that reels us back into the sport every single time. The way they write and how deep and detail they are, plus you get to meet people that some people will never meet in their lifetimne and even better you get to see places that most don't see. France, Italy, the UK, you name it!!!! It's truly a great great career and worth considering if you love to write and meet people. But no writer gets the perks like a Golf writer does. Private Jets, food at the finest reseraunts, access to many courses around the world. Yup it definently sounds like a dream job and its fun. To me one of the funnest things you can do is interview someone (especially a professional athlete) and write a great story about them and the best best part is when it gets published. Nothing better than grabbing a magazine or a newspaper then reading your name in print and reading your work in print. And even better is when you know that other people out there are reading your hard written work. Another way to get sportswriting published is through the internet where most great writers write today and let me tell you, if you want people to read your work then the internet is obviously the best way to go because everyone reads stories, blogs, etc on the internet now a days. And now we have smartphones which gives us internet access on the road. I still think publishing a sports article in a paper is kind of better because you get to actually hold your work in your hands and cherish it (maybe even put it in a shiny fancy frame!). Sportswriting is a great great profession because you get to write, interview famous people, host a radio show (possibly), and they might even allow you to do play by play broadcasting or color commentary for any sport because it happens almost all the time. Laurence Holmes of Chicago's radio station 670 The Score writes blogs, has his own radio show, interviews players and coaches and is a color commentater for DePaul Blue Demons basketball on the radio along with Zack Zaidman who also is multi-talented as he does play by play for DePaul and is a beat reporter for the Chicago Bears. Sportswriting and broadcasting are two things that go very well because as i said before, there are many professional sportswriters that become radio show hosts or do a bit a play by play action or even sometimes it's the opposite way around as a radio talk show host or play by play broadcaster decides to be a part time writer. There are great schools to go to learn about broadcasting and sports journalism. Such schools like TCB (The Center for Broadcasting)  allow you to have all hands on training to get you prepared to "run your flap" on radio and chit chat to the listeners about sports (School the callers if you have to, prove them wrong! But in a friendly matter, just a simple argument), sometimes even movies, music and life (even on a sports station! Just don't get too off topic). Probably the best part about sportswriting is that there are no athletic abilities recquired. Just strong opinions, thoughts and a pen that drips hard or a keyboard that clicks with authority. The Lifestyle, the fun of it, the pleasures, the first class flights, the good eating, the amazing travels, the chance to get to see your favorite athlete up close and get to ask him or her question, the pretty girls, the fame and best of all it's something you want to do in life. it's something you are passionate about. that's the key to life. finding your passion. if your passion has major benifits like sportswriting and broadcasting then you got the extras of your dream. Sportswriting and Sports Broadcasting is a great way to go if you love writing and talking about sports. So that's my dedication to sportswriters and broadcasters! The dream lives on baby! Till next time ya'll im out of here.......PEACE!!!!!!! (Below, Chicago White Sox Radio announcer Darrin Jackson)

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